Movie Screening and Moderated Discussion of Screenagers Under The Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age
The Parents Council of Washington is pleased to present a screening of Screenagers Under The Influence on Wednesday, February 5, at 10:00am at the Avalon Theatre. This is the third feature documentary in the Screenagers trilogy, delving into how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and its effects on substance use. The film debunks myths and depicts strategies that parents and schools can use to encourage healthy decision-making, support teen mental health, set limits, and create a healthy home environment.
After we view the documentary, the film’s co-director, and co-producer, Lisa Tabb, will join us for a moderated discussion about the topics raised in the film. All PCW member school parents and caregivers, administrators, faculty, and staff are invited. For registration information, please check your school newsletter or contact