Program Summary
Lee Arrowood, Outgoing President of St. Patrick’s Parents Association, opened the program with a short talk about the challenges facing Parent Association Presidents and some suggestions.
Highlights included:
Obtaining buy-in from your community:
Highlights included:
Obtaining buy-in from your community:
- Spend first month or six weeks of your term listening in meetings with key people at your school: outgoing PA President; outgoing members of Executive Committee; key volunteers, administrators and parents.
- Look for themes in what people are telling you
- Create a strategy for your term: develop 5 things that you want to accomplish during your tenure. Examples: improved website; better communication; more diverse volunteer participation
- Make all items actionable, with objective way to measure success
Managing Through Current Economy:
- Look for novel fund-raising ideas
- Leverage outside resources: use PCW speakers and calendar, as well as events at other schools
Developing Talent For the Future
- Compile a list of people to watch the following year
- Keep a spreadsheet of who was asked for what job and why they declined
- Offer secondary roles to people you are grooming for leadership
- Make sure by-laws, job descriptions and voting procedures are up to date
- Use technology for school-wide volunteer recruitment
- Keep good records of what was done in each position to avoid re-inventing the wheel each year
Following Lee’s talk, the group had a wide-ranging open forum discussion. Issues raised included:
- Communication
- Volunteerism – breaking jobs into manageable bite sized pieces
- Fundraising – particularly in this economy
- Policy-making
- Budgeting
- Relationship with Head of School
- Diversity in volunteer group
- Parents’ reluctance to attend meetings
- Welcoming new families
- Appropriate role of parent business community for networking
- Losing volunteers to workforce due to economic downturn
- Parent education efforts
- Time management for parents
- Documentation for future volunteers
- Input from students
- Institutional tools – software to manage volunteers
Discussion of Issue of Volunteerism:
- Break down jobs into manageable sizes, so working parents can participate
- Cut back programs to those that parents really care about to encourage attendance and deal with time management concerns
- Vary meeting times to capture different audiences
- Use technology instead of meetings to alleviate time management issues; for instance, post videos of speakers on website
- Use volunteer software: PTO Manager is a good one – it is inexpensive and permits people to volunteer on-line
- Create notebooks for each job and capture them electronically
- Succession planning: have someone you’re grooming shadow the person in job
Discussion of Fundraising:
- Most PAs receive funds from mandatory dues; some are voluntary
- Dues ranged from $25 -$150
- New ideas for fund-raising instead of auctions
Discussion of Expanding Diversity of Volunteer Pool:
- Hold meetings at different times
- Remind parents in every e-mail that they are welcome to attend all meetings
- Assign people at meetings to welcome new people
- Bring a guest speaker to meetings as a hook to get people to attend PA meetings
- Personally invite new people to meeting; let old people know that it is their job to bring in new people; mandate that every Executive Committee
- member bring someone new to each open meeting
- Hold meetings on campus instead of in someone’s home
- Thank people for helping
- Wear name tags on campus that include job titles and committee names
- Be open to new ideas
- Use personal e-mails and personal phone calls